If you are interested in one of the following positions, please complete the appropriate application. In addition, you may submit a cover letter, resume, and references. Application materials may be sent to:

Office of the Superintendent

35063 Highway BB

Laddonia, Missouri 63352

All positions require the ability to work well with children of all ages.



The Community R-VI School District is looking to fill several coaching positions. Currently, we are seeking coaches for Head HS Softball and Assistant HS Softball, Assistant HS Girls Basketball, and Assistant JH Girls Basketball. For additional information, please contact MS/HS Principal Bob Davies at bdavies@cr6.net.


The Community R-VI School District is seeking a Special Education Coordinator/Director for the 2025-2026 school year. We are looking for an energetic and innovative teacher. If this fits you and you are ready to commit to a great group of students with a supportive community, we want to talk to you. Our district is small, but we do not act like it. We want you to try new things and be successful! If you can excel at making learning relevant, guiding students and peers, and building relationships, this job is waiting for you.


The Community R-VI School District has a MS/HS mathematics teacher position open for the 2025-2026 school year.  We are looking for an energetic and innovative teacher, if this fits you and you are ready to commit to a great group of students with a supportive community, we want to talk to you.  Our district is small but we don’t act it.  We want you to try new things and be successful!  If you can excel at making learning relevant and build relationships, this job is waiting for you.

Inquiries may be directed to the high school principal, Bob Davies, at bdavies@cr6.net.  This amazing position is open until filled.

Community R-VI is an equal opportunity employer who looks for charismatic individuals with real talent for success.


The Community R-VI School District has a high school English teacher position open for the 2025-2026 school year.  We are looking for an energetic and innovative teacher, if this fits you and you are ready to commit to a great group of students with a supportive community, we want to talk to you.  Our district is small but we don’t act it.  We want you to try new things and be successful!  If you can excel at making learning relevant and build relationships, this job is waiting for you.

Inquiries may be directed to the high school principal, Bob Davies, at bdavies@cr6.net.  This amazing position is open until filled.

Community R-VI is an equal opportunity employer who looks for charismatic individuals with real talent for success.


The Community R-VI School District is accepting applications for an elementary paraprofessional for the 2025-2026 school year. The candidate must have at least 36 college hours,  pass the Missouri ParaPro Assessment, or complete Missouri's 20-hour online substitute training program. Applications may be obtained on our website at www.cr6.net. 

Applicants should complete an application on the district website, www.cr6.net, and send a letter of interest and current resume to the Elementary Principal, Mrs. Jessie Mommens. Applications can be sent to 35063 HWY BB Laddonia, MO 63352 or mommens@cr6.net. Community R-VI School District is a four-day district, attending school on Tuesday-Friday.


Responsible for providing direct instruction & maintaining an environment conducive to meaningful learning; effectively & efficiently organizing the learning experiences of all the students in the absence of the teacher. Must have at least 36 college credit hours & a current MO substitute teaching certificate. 

The daily rate is $100.

Content Substitute certificate is for individuals wishing to substitute teach in the K-12 classroom setting (elementary, middle/high school content areas, special education, art, music, PE, etc.). A Content Substitute certificate may be granted to an individual who has completed a minimum of 36 semester hours of credit from a regionally accredited, academic degree-granting, college or university. Verification of these hours must be provided with an original transcript from each institution the applicant has attended. 

This change from 60 semester hours of credit to 36 semester hours of credit occurred as a part of Senate Bill 681, which was signed by Governor Parsons and became effective as of June, 2022.

The 20 hours of online training to be a substitute teacher is available through Frontline Education, as well as several Missouri colleges and universities. A Content Substitute certificate may now be granted to an individual who has successfully completed a minimum of twenty (20) clock hours of department-approved substitute teacher training. Training is available at https://dese.mo.gov/educator-quality/certification/substitute-teachers


Applicants must meet DOT regulations for Missouri school bus drivers. Applications may be obtained on our website. Community R-VI School District is a four-day district, attending school on Tuesday-Friday. Salary: $45 per route