Elementary Car Rider Procedure

To ensure student safety, we will be transitioning from a two-way lane system, to a one-way system during pick-up times in the elementary for the 2024-2025 school year.

The main things to remember about our pick-up line:

  • All cars will be required to enter from Highway BB and all cars will be required to exit onto Highway 19. Vehicles will no longer exit from the two-lane roadway off Highway BB.  This two-lane drive will now be one-way only during pick-up.

  • Buses that were blocking the straight-away will now be parked around the far side of the circle drive. In order to keep our students as safe as possible, vehicles will not be permitted to pass another vehicle.

  • The first couple of vehicles in the line will be loaded first. Please pull completely forward to the fence if you are in the front of the line.

  • Individuals are not to get out of their vehicles, with the only exception of loading a young child who needs assistance with entering the vehicle and buckling. It would be helpful if students could enter the vehicle on the passenger side of the vehicle.

  • Please do not park in the parking lot and walk up to get your child.

  • If you need to pick up a middle school student, please exit the lot and circle back into the line to pull into the parking lot at the front of the building, or pick them up from the back parking lot.

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work to ensure all students’ safety. Parents can help by calling the office by 2:30 pm if there is a change in your child’s pick-up routine.  Car riders can be picked up at 3:25 pm.