This COVID-19 school closure has made it hard on everyone and we appreciate all you have done to keep learning important in your household. During the past few years we have worked very hard to create flipped classrooms with technology being at the forefront of our delivery method. Not understanding how critical that was if something like this was to occur. During this COVID-19 closure we are seeing how important being 1:1 with devices is and having a virtual learning management system in place really is. Please remember that we are here for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact teachers or myself if we can be of assistance during this difficult time. All teachers have posted on canvas their office hours to be of assistance to you by phone, email, or zoom. My email address is contact me any time. I am very proud of the way all of our students grades 6-12 have taken control of their learning themselves and submitted work on canvas, emailed teachers responsibly, and explored zoom meetings etc. with their teachers. This self management they have shown will help them with online courses in college for those who choose that path. We hope to reopen on April 20th!
Yours in Education,
Bob Curtis