Juniors & Seniors-Please complete this survey

After asking some questions to seniors regarding prom we wanted to broaden this survey to include juniors as well.  The original date we asked seniors about did not get a good response.  We have adjusted based on some of those responses as best we can.  The date we are looking at now is July 11th.  We have chosen a July date with hopes that restrictions may be lessened. If the 6-foot rule in regards to social distancing is not lifted this event will not take place.  Due to concerns of exposure, no outside dates will be allowed.  It is impossible to manage who might attend from a COVID-19 hotspot any other way.  Students attending prom will have to be enrolled in the Community R-VI School District. Please base your answers on this information.  Please try to answer this survey by May 8th so we can make an informed decision on if we have enough attending to do this memorable event justice. The administration and junior class sponsors wish as much as anyone that circumstances were different.

Please complete the following survey:
