Red Ribbon Week starts tomorrow, Oct. 29th.

Community R-VI Parent-Teacher Conferences are tomorrow, October 21st from noon-8 p.m. Please stop by to visit with your child's teachers. Thank you for your support!

Parent Teacher Conferences are Monday! MS/HS Parents may stop by to visit with your child's teachers anytime between noon-8 p.m. Elementary parents your scheduled time went home on Friday. We look forward to seeing you!

Congrats to Garrett Schmidt on getting player of the week for the VanFaR6 football team last week against Mark Twain! #GoTrojans #GoIndians #OneTeam

Fan Fest Shirt Orders are due Thursday. The forms are available at cr6.net or you can contact the office.

Strive is selling shirts for Fan Fest. If you would like to order please send payment and order to the HS office. Checks can be made payable to CR-VI STRIVE. #TrojanPride

Here is a link to view Episode 3 of the CR6 TEDD Talk!

Big Smiles dental forms were sent home with all students PK-12th grade. If you would like your student to be seen by the dentist please return the completed form by Friday, September 20th.
If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Meador.

@CR6Trojans Seniors-Don't forget to pick up your Krispy Kreme doughnuts today!

The day has finally come...BB is opening back up! It should be open by Saturday morning, if not before. On Tuesday, we will return to our normal drop-off and pick-up routines from the circle drive.

Here's what's happening in the Middle School and High School

Bus Drivers Wanted! Please contact Transportation Director, Matt Thomas if you are interested. mthomas@cr6.net

Lady Trojans SB wins their home opener in 5 innings, 11-1 over Hermann. #GoTrojans #WeRProud

It's the R6th of September tomorrow! It's time to show your Trojan Pride! We will be searching the community for red and black! #TrojanPride #OuR6 #WeAreCommunity #WebleedBlackandRed

Tomorrow is Picture Day! All students PK-11th grade will get their picture taken for the yearbook. If you would like, you can order pictures online at wagnerportraitgroup.com (password: CR6) or send in an order form with your child.

It's a great day at Community R-VI School District!